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Canon info.
HiMERU is an (ex-)top-idol who forcibly went into hiatus due to a bad accident. He is said to be a bright and pure person, yet he has a knack for trusting people too easily, which eventually led to him being hospitalized. Back in the revolution days, HiMERU was a student at Reimei and was widely known as Tatsumi's "rival". The two were actually on good terms, possibly friends, even, yet they were often compared to one another by the public.
It's been implied that HiMERU didn't have people close to him besides Tatsumi and Kaname. A few hints we've gotten for this is the fact that HiMERU was demonized by the public near the end of the revolution, painted as a martyr to be punished (according to Kaname) as well as his parents seemingly being absent throughout his hospitalization (and thus Kaname being the one to pay for his hospital bills and check up on him,) and HiMERU venting to Tatsumi about problems he hadn't even told Kaname about (the person who supposedly knows him best.)
He's... a terrible cook. He tries, really, his secret ingredient is love, but Gordon Ramsey would yell at him if he were to serve any of his dishes to anything that breathes.
Account-limited traits.
Due to his accident, HiMERU suffers from delusions and is heavily detached from reality. He uses third person pronouns and often claims to be a cryptid, albeit it may come off in a joking manner. He might claim to have been alive for a long time, or that he will never die. This is because of his detachment, where in his mind, he has no age. He is, however, actually 18+ (age ranging somewhere from 18-20).
HiMERU currently uses a wheelchair to get around and also has a CROS hearing aid for his right ear. He is attending physical therapy to relearn how to walk and get around and as of recent developments, can (wonkily) take a couple of steps to hop from his hospital bed to his wheelchair!
HiMERU considers Kaname and Tatsumi to be the most important people in the world to him. To Kaname's dismay, HiMERU is especially affectionate towards his brother, both verbally and physically. When they're together, big chance you'll see HiMERU clinging to Kaname, hugging him close, patting his head, or nuzzling him. Despite them being twins and Kaname being the more serious one, HiMERU enjoys referring to his brother as the cuter one out of the two, and he wears his "nii-san" label with pride.
Here are some notes as to when please not to follow HiMERU.
You condone pedophilia or incest. This especially goes for people who are here for "Kanahime content".On this account they are written as twins.
General DFI: (racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc)
Mod info
Non-native English speaker.
Always open for plotting, dms (both IC and OOC), and random @'s!
Feel free to ask for mod's OOC account!
*Just me and you and you and me alone?
...Please pardon such an unpleasant melody.
General account warning: mentions of hospitals, bad health, childhood abuse, possible heavy devotion and cult-like behaviour, and undiagnosed mental illness may apply!
This account is very lighthearted, but I'll put these warnings up just in case for more serious threads! All TW's are based on info from main story!
≿... He/they.
≿... Aware of Kaname taking his place.
≿... Mainly limited to his hospital bed, but he tends to sneak out and roam around in public when he's been inside for too long. He makes use of wheelchairs and, very ocassionally, crutches when he goes out to explore. (See HiMERU's health page for more info.)
≿... Based on the canon information provided to us about HiMERU, he is a kind, loving, trusting, and naive person. He is said to be child-like in his innocence and willingness to believe in the good in others. This is the basic foundation of what this account will base his personality on.
≿... I HC that HiMERU knows a lot about insects, and has taken a liking to them since childhood. He bugs [;)] Kaname with these facts and ramblings.
≿... As said by Kaname in main story, HiMERU was an extremely devoted ex(?)-Tatsumi "devotee", which eventually caused him to be admitted to the hospital due to unknown (Tatsumi-related) circumstances. For this account, HiMERU's views on Tatsumi HAVE shifted slightly due to the accident, but part of his strong devotion remains. I can't put it into words in a summary, so just watch and enjoy, I guess <3
≿... Multiship!
≿... As Kaname and HiMERU are twins, and Kaname's age is unknown yet implied to be over the age of 18, I'm not very comfortable with writing any ship threads with first years!
≿... Don't hesitate to comment, @, or DM me if you want to write something together! Please also let me know if you need extra trigger warnings for any of the subjects mentioned above! Mod will be happy to tag tweets as precaution~
≿... If you have any questions, feel free to hmu in dms! <3
≿... This carrd will be updated over time. Welcome to it's first edition! >w>
HiMERU's health.
Physical health.
After being unconscious for over a year, and thus not getting any exercise, HiMERU has a bad case of muscle atrophy. It affects both of his arms, as well as his legs, leaving him bed-bound most of the time. Ocassionally he will be roaming around outside in his wheelchair or with support crutches. Even then, both of those options take a lot of energy and he can't move around too much for too long.
Between his wheelchair and his crutches, his wheelchair is the better option, as, unlike with his crutches, he gets to sit and isn't obligated to use the muscles in his arms when he pauses in place. Rolling his chair around is still a lot on his arms, though, so it isn't a permanent solution yet either.
HiMERU is slowly building up to rehabilitation through physical therapy. For now, exercises are mainly focused on his arms, and he has slowly but steadily been regaining strength in them. His legs are still a no-go for now. He can't stand on them properly yet, but he still has his attempts at "escaping". (aka he just wants to go outside without hospital regulations for a little.) This happens more often than hospital staff would like, but he refuses to stop no matter how often he gets scolded. Nobody is quite sure how he keeps managing to disappear without getting noticed right off the bat. HiMERU, you little mysterious shit.
If you see him during one of his outside-adventures, don't hesitate to come say hi! He'll be very happy to chat for a while! And to anyone that tries to coax him back to the hospital, good luck. He'll get pouty and use some puppy dog eyes to convince you otherwise if needed.
Mental health.
Main story indicated HiMERU is canonically mentally ill. As we haven't seen him on screen yet, and there isn't enough info about him to figure out what he may be dealing with, I'll list 3 basic characteristics / symptoms he's implied to have so you know what to expect!
Strong sense of trust in others (including strangers).Deep devotion to few, even when treated unjustly.Child-like innocence (as well as a pure love for other human beings.)
Besides this, there are possibly also the effects of the times he has been chased off stage during the Reimei revolution era, along with the other treatment he had received from other "devotees". As for how he's coping with his physical health, this HiMERU has accepted it as something that's happening, but refuses to really acknowledge it or bring it up unless prompted to do so. He'll be a bit hesitant and might get a bit upset, but he'll refuse to show it in an obvious manner besides quieting down a bit or seeming a little poutier.
He has accepted his injuries, but refuses to think about a future where he doesn't continue his past idol activities, and firmly insists he will return once his body has recovered.